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Shout Out!
"I have taken Barre and Yoga with Wendy over the last few years. She is so knowledgeable and pushes me to work harder every time. She is a wonderful instructor and I am always glad I came to class." ~ Kristen B.
"I love Wendy's online classes. She provides clear, concise instruction, is encouraging and demonstrates correct positions so that I am able to improve my abilities. Highly recommended for anyone who wants/needs the convenience of a home workout, but with a personal touch." ~ Kirsten K.
"Wendy is a fantastic teacher! She's able to work with all different levels of ability and is very thoughtful in planning each workout session. In Wendy's class everyone's physical health is her first priority... But she'll also definitely push you to challenge yourself!" ~ Jeanne L.
"As a former ballet dancer, Wendy is very knowledgeable about muscle structure and flexibility. She helped me push through some issues I had had for years with my posture and encouraged body awareness. My time spent training with her was very helpful for my overall health and well-being." ~ Jill B.
"I've been taking Barre classes from Wendy for over 5 years. It has been a wonderful, life changing experience. She is so knowledgeable about how our bodies work and react to certain exercises, especially in Barre, yoga, and Pilates. I've learned how to use my body to improve my posture, balance, and strengthen the many inner muscles we have. Her classes have helped me mentally and physically. I have greatly improved in other sports like skiing and mountain biking due to her teachings. She is fun, energetic, and totally dedicated to her students." ~ Amy D.
"When I first started working out with Wendy, I thought I was in great shape because I could pound out burpees, box jumps, heavily weighted squats, etc... After just one Barre class with Wendy, I realized that there were so many parts of my body that had been greatly overlooked by my attempt at "pounding" on my body. Because of Wendy's hands on approach to proper form, her vast knowledge of the human body, her ability to help create mind/body awareness, and her amazing playlists, I am a "Wendy" follower for life! Thanks Wendy!" ~ Krista B.
"I have had the opportunity to work with Wendy for a number of years now and there are many things that keep me coming back to her class when I fall out of a fitness routine. One, is that she is always excited to have you in class and makes you glad you came whether you are a regular or not. Two, she is a stickler on form, which I love. She teaches you to know how to hold and move your body correctly so that you get the most out of each movement and not harm yourself in the process. Three, she is knowledgeable when you personally need an adaptation and instructs you where you are physically and not someone else. And overall it's fun! The people, her music, her energy; it definitely keeps me coming back!" ~ Maggie L.
" Whether in a live in-person or web-based (Zoom) class with Wendy Miller – you are going to get a fun and challenging workout! I have been going to Wendy’s Barre & yoga classes for the past 3 years whenever I am in Big Sky, MT. Even though I was a “drop-in” at the live classes Wendy always made me feel welcome!
Over the years I have taken several Barre classes in different cities and Wendy is by far the best instructor I have experienced! What sets her apart – other than her cheerful personality- is the personal attention she gives each student.
Wendy makes sure each student is using proper form by making small adjustments and continually giving easy to understand cues and tips to maintain perfect form. Through her explanations of each exercise/pose she always explains which muscle is targeted and how to make certain you are working the correct area.
Wendy had turned COVID-19 into a “positive” experience for me. I get to work out with her 4 days a week on Zoom from my home 300 miles away! Even in the virtual class – it is like she is there with you correcting form and teaching proper technique.
Attending Wendy’s Zoom class has helped me cope mentally, stay healthy and strengthen my body!
I highly recommend Wendy Miller – in-person or online! Wendy is an amazing woman and instructor – she will kick your butt in Barre and teach you to recover in Yoga with tons of positive energy!" ~ Claire S.
“From the moment I heard about Wendy’s Restorative Yoga class, I knew I was ready for that kind of self care! My first class, and each class since, has proven to be an amazing experience. Wendy’s perfect balance of relaxation, reassurance, and guidance throughout each move is incredibly centering. I could not be more grateful.” ~ Leslie J.
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